First Valentine’s Day: Snacks & Crafts for School
The way kids celebrate Valentine’s Day at school is so sweet and simple — it’s about expressing love for ALL their friends. For parents of school-age kids, that big-hearted approach can be a surprise the first time Valentine’s Day rolls around.
Annie’s is here to help you help your child bring the love with some planning tips, craft ideas, and of course, mighty good Valentine’s Day treats!

Plan to make valentines for everybunny
Your child may not feel like making Valentine’s Day cards or crafts for the whole class. We get it: it can be a lot of work, and they may only have a few besties they hang out with at school. This is a great time to teach them about including everybody. The best way to avoid hurt feelings is to bring a Valentine’s Day card or craft for everyone in their class.
If the kiddo wants to let their close friends know they’re extra special, they can add a few extra words, drawings, or hearts to their cards.
So what to make? There are lots of fun Valentine’s Day crafts for kids, from painted rocks to crayon hearts and potted herbs to beaded bracelets and pipe-cleaner rings. Good old-fashioned construction paper hearts are still cool too! Is anybunny in the mood to color? We’ve got some cute downloadable Valentine’s Day cards your little can color and cut out.

Bring Valentine’s Day snacks too
Many kids also bring Valentine’s Day treats for school parties and card exchanges. Outside of avoiding allergens and any rules your kiddo’s school may have, what to bring is really up to you and your child. Why not have them bring the snacks and treats they know and love — the ones you feel good about giving them?
If their school allows, make a homemade treat, like Gluten-free S’Mores Bunny Pops or Fruit Snack Skewers. Those skewers would look so cute with heart-shaped strawberries and melon pieces! It can also be just as fun and easy to bring packaged snacks, like cheddar bunnies, fruit snacks, and bunny grahams.

Make a DIY Valentine’s Day box
How do you get all those Valentine’s Day snacks and crafts to and from school? In a DIY Valentine’s Day box!
A classic and easy Valentine’s Day card box is just an ordinary shoe box covered in wrapping paper, construction paper, or brown craft paper, like from a grocery bag, or a mix of all three. Pro tip: If your little one wants to draw pictures on their shoe box, have them draw on the paper before they (or you) wrap it around the box. It’s so much easier to draw on a flat surface.
It can also be fun to make a box in the shape of your child’s favorite animal, and you can do it with empty boxes from your favorite Annie’s macs and snacks! In fact, we’ve got a hare-raisingly easy how-to guide for a DIY Valentine’s Day box in the shape of a bunny! It’s made from upcycled Annie’s boxes and spacious enough to fit bunches of valentines and tasty treats too!